Continuing Watercolor Journey

Hello friends,

Bet you’ve been wondering where I’ve been for the past month.  HELL is where I’ve been!!!  The unbearable heat has taken its toll on me.   I can’t remember a summer being so hot, humid and wet as this year.  I can only hope that cooler autumn temperatures get here quickly or I’ll be a total goner.  I do have air conditioning in the house but feeling like a prisoner has left me lifeless and not much enthusiasm to do anything.  I have found an oasis by continuing my watercolor journey.

I’ve been teaching myself watercolor via tutorials and online videos but to be honest, its hard.  I was watching many different videos and getting very confused so I honed in on a couple of artists I like and ignoring the others for now.  However, its still hard and I’ve become frustrated with my lack of progress.  I realize it takes lots of practice and time but I’m an impatient person and need instant gratification.  So as I continued my hunt for another more simpler direction, I stumbled upon Art Impressions Watercolor Series.  Wow, I think I’ve found my niche.  It’s watercolor stamping and much easier than actually painting from scratch.  I can’t explain the entire technique yet but if you’re interested, here’s the link to the videos.

Of course, I immediately ordered some supplies and have been painting daily.  I’m nowhere being even a bit good but I’m slowly learning and achieving some decent results quicker than if I were to paint from scratch so for me, it’s a win, win situation.

I’ve been painting each scene three times and then comparing my progress and I do see some improvement with each try.  I still have tons to learn but thought I’d share my accomplishments so far.  Shadows and blending seem to be giving me the most trouble right now so I have lots of practicing to do.

Here are my first attempts at this technique.  I’ve matted them to give them a more finished impression.

I feel I need to order more stamp sets but trying to pace myself.  I could easily spend a small fortune if I ordered everything I want.

If anyone has any comments or suggestions, I’m all ears!

See you soon again,


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2 Responses to Continuing Watercolor Journey

  1. Winnie says:

    Wow, Linda, you’ve done amazing work!

  2. Fran says:

    Linda your water coloring is beautiful!!!

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